ENCCS Industry Days 2022 | 10 -11. October
ENCCS is organizing the Swedish HPC Industry Day 2022, 10-11 October. This event will provide a comprehensive introduction to HPC targeted toward a broad audience, for example:
- For companies that have an AI solution on their laptop but are eager to run on larger datasets,
- organizations that simulate market stocks, macroeconomic predictions or similar,
- public authorities working with air pollution modeling, or training neural language models,
- and much more
We invite you to join us for the “ENCCS Industry days 2022“. A day full of experience, exchange, and exploration of possibilities to use HPC and obtain support in improving your software solutions.
- How can small businesses take advantage of HPC for free using EuroHPC JU resources?
- What can be learnt from scientific areas that traditionally use HPC?
- How can businesses use HPC to improve their services or products?
Leading people from Sweden and around the world will provide success stories and use cases, and lead discussions on the use of HPC in the industry.
Preliminary Agenda
You can check the agenda here
Industry days 2022 will take place in Innoverseum at Drottning Kristinas Väg 61, 4th flour
Social events
- October 10th, 18:00 – Dinner at Vasa Museum’s restaurant – Google maps https://goo.gl/maps/gYhRgP1z56LNuk879
- October 11th, 18:30 – Dinner at Fem små hus – Google maps https://g.page/FemSmaHus?share
Participation only by invitation. For questions please email us at info@enccs.se.