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27. September 2022

SCALES – Empowering SMEs to access HPC at ease

You are invited to join our web-seminar intended for European HPC centres, especially people responsible for the operation of HPC systems. The talk covers the topic of data management when submitting jobs to HPC resources, especially how this can be made much more user friendly.  It will explain the current state of SCALES and how it can be applied in everyday use, but it will also provide a glance into the possibilities it will offer in the future, for example by applying AI to support the users with their calculations.

The speaker, Christopher Röhl of SSC Services GmbH, is highly competent since he participated in the development of SCALES. He will give his presentation in English.

Do not miss this free-of-charge web-seminar on September 27th, 2022, at 2pm CET.

Title: SCALES – Empowering SMEs to access HPC at ease
Speaker: Christopher Röhl, SSC Services GmbH
Abstract: Industrial partners in SMEs can have a way easier access to HPC through a user-friendly interface. Calculations can be requested without the use of a classic terminal and the exchange of the data is enhanced. Through reusable workflows and predefined actions their work is less time consuming and past executions can be seen. Pre-defined calculations can be setup up for even quicker executions. In the future, supported by AI, incorrect calculations can be detected at an early stage to save time and costs.
Language: English
Duration: 45 minutes plus 15 minutes Q&A
Use this opportunity and dial in. It is free of charge.
The information for dial-in can be found below.


Dial-in information:

EuroCC web-seminar – on September 27th, 2022, 2-3pm CET

Participate in my meeting via computer, tablet, or smartphone:

You can also dial-in via telephone:
Germany: +49 892 0194 301
Access code: 838-443-805

Install the app now, so that you are ready for your first meeting: