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15. Juni 2023

HiDALGO in-depth introduction / Web-Seminar

HiDALGO – HPC and Big Data Technologies for Global Systems – is a European project funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union. The project is carried out by 13 institutions from seven countries.

Our Vision: We advance technology to master global challenges

Our Mission: We develop novel methods, algorithms and software for HPC and HPDA to accurately model and simulate the complex processes, which arise in connection with major global challenges.

Developing evidence and understanding concerning Global Challenges and their underlying parameters is rapidly becoming a vital challenge for modern societies. Various examples, such as health care, the transition of green technologies or the evolution of the global climate up to hazards and stress tests for the financial sector demonstrate the complexity of the involved systems and underpin their interdisciplinary as well as their globality.

This becomes even more obvious if coupled systems are considered: problem statements and their corresponding parameters are dependent on each other, which results in interconnected simulations with a tremendous overall complexity.

Although the process for bringing together the different communities has already started within the Centre of Excellence for Global Systems Science (CoeGSS), the importance of assisted decision making by addressing global, multi-dimensional problems is more important than ever. https://hidalgo-project.eu/index.php/

The CoE HiDALGO will give a introduction into its goals and codes / uses cases on Thu 15.6. 13:00-14:30.

Webinar link:


  1. Introduction – Marcin Lawenda (12’)
  2. Urban Air Pilot pilot – Zoltán Horváth (12’)
  3. Urban Building Model – Christophe Prud’homme (12’)
  4. Renewable Energy Sources pilot – Wojciech Szeliga (12’)
  5. Wildfires pilot – Luis Torres (12’)
  6. Q&A – all (30’)

Contact: Marcin Lawenda (HiDALGO coordinator)  lawenda@man.poznan.pl